The following organizations actively work to promote conservation or provide preservation education and/or news in Minnesota.
It’s MN Nature’s primary objective to connect people to nature and inspire conservation, so these listings are completely free to you and freely listed. It’s all about sharing and collaborating for a better, Greener Minnesota.
Why? Because our green spaces clean our air, protect us from floods and storms, filter our wastewater, and provide manifold recreation opportunities like birding, hiking, hunting and fishing that improve our well-being and economic prosperity. Our community green spaces, urban forests, state and federal land—like the Superior National Forest—are worth so much.
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
DNR Forest Stewardship Program
DNR Roadsides for Wildlife Program
DNR Shoreland Management & Restoration Programs
Envision Minnesota (previously 1000 Friends of Minnesota)
Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness
Friends of the Cloquet Valley State Forest
Friends of the Mississippi River
The Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA)
Midwest Invasive Plants Network
Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy —Their 2012 Annual Report HERE
Minnesota Conservation Federation
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Minnesota Environmental Action Network
Minnesota Environmental Partnership
Minnesota Master Naturalist Program
Minnesota Native Intelligence (Resource)
Minnesota Native Plant Society
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Minnesota Tree Care Advocate (Advisor and Pruner certifications)
Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge (U.S. Fish & Wildlife)
Minnesota Waterfowl Association
Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network (also listed under W)
National Parks Conservation Association
Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota
Pheasants Forever, MN chapter (parent organization: Pheasants Forever)
Quail Forever, MN chapter (parent organizations: Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever)
University of Minnesota Bee Lab
University of Minnesota “My Minnesota Woods” Online Journal
Wild Ones —Big River, Big Woods Chapter
Wildlife Conservation MN, Inc.
Wildlife Rehab Center of Minnesota
Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
If you’d like to add a group to this list, please email:
I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded
to stay out till sundown, for going out,
I found, was really going in. (J. Muir)
Note: MN Nature does not promote any of these organizations and they are listed here for your information only. Before volunteering or donating funds to any group, please look into conservation organizations’ missions, IRS statements (and spending history), current programs and goals, as well as achievements to determine which group is best aligned to your conservation goals.