Enjoy the quietness of winter, the darkness of winter . . . for as of December 22, the winter solstice 2015, there will be increasing light with each new day.   This week . . . Dec 12–20 43rd Annual Folkways of the Holidays $$$ $8 ages 18-64, $5 agesContinue Reading

Don’t get caught at Walmart under the harsh lights the night before gift-giving this season! The nature lover in your life will appreciate these meaningful unique gifts, and they’ll bring a smile to your face too . . . or so we hope. Consider giving to a nature center orContinue Reading

Week . . . Dec 7 Proposed Muskie Management in Big Marine Lake —Public Meeting 7 PM to 9 PM DNR is seeking public input to help determine if Big Marine Lake should be stocked with low-densities of muskellunge in 2016. The meeting will include an informational presentation, and opportunitiesContinue Reading

Well we finally got that snow, and everyone seems pretty excited about it. MN Nature supports your enthusiasm! Check out your photos we’re raving about on Tumblr. Keep the action goin’ — get out there! Cross-country ski—–any time! 1–2-Go! Explore ski locations: xc-ski-guide Where to rent. This Week . .Continue Reading

Yes the weather is getting cooler and you may see some frost but don’t let that stop you from experiencing the wonders of the great outdoors this weekend. The Tundra Swans are in town! (Yup, you know it: Events free and open to the public AND for all ages, unlessContinue Reading