Ok, Minnesota, here’s the 4-1-1 on Planting Trees, whether you do it now to celebrate Arbor Month or later this fall. #minnesotastyle, #MNnature Plant trees? Uh– Why? Where? What? What NOT?! Trees come in all sizes and all shapes, what’s right for your space? The fun part—planting your new tree:Continue Reading

Tra-la-la-la-la it’s spring in Minnesota! AND it’s mother’s day! AND it’s open fishing! AND it’s National Public Gardens Day! AND it’s international migratory bird day—well, duh. Hootenanny hurrah! All events free unless otherwise noted. Happy outdoorsing! (Is that word? Now it is.) #MNawesome #MNnature #take-a-mom-fishing #NationalPublicGardensDay [Oh, and that featureContinue Reading

You’ve probably heard about the Gov. questioning the DNR’s moose collaring studies due to mortality concerns (“Of the 74 calves collared in the spring of 2013 and 2014, many were believed to have died of starvation after being abandoned by their mothers,” per WTIP.) DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr voiced supportContinue Reading

Happy May Day! And Feliz Cinco de Mayo! Enjoy the great outdoors this weekend, rain or shine because it’s SPRING!!! Hunt some shrooms, clean up a favorite park, go for a hike, do some birding . . . You know the drill, all activities are free unless otherwise noted. —Saturday—05/02/15—Continue Reading

Arbor and Earth and Fish—Oh my! It’s SPRING in MINNESOTA! Earth Day is now the largest civic observance in the world, with more than one billion people participating in related activities each year. It started right next door in Wisconsin. MN Nature wants to know what naturey things you decideContinue Reading