Early Arbor Day and Earth Day Celebrations are starting, everything is greening up! So there’s tons to do outside! If you attend one of these events, share it: Tweet #EarthDay2015 @MNnature  (All events free unless otherwise noted.)   Thursday, April 16 Arbor Day Tree Planting 6 pm Two fruit treesContinue Reading

Ready or not—it’s migration time! The first returning Robins and Starlings are showing up in flocks in St. Paul. If maple march madness didn’t get you feeling springy then get outside this weekend to experience the great April unthaw and return of the song birds! Saturday, April 11 Early SignsContinue Reading

This April brings delicate perennials hiding under leaf decay, unfurling buds, and nearly complete ice-outs! (All events free unless otherwise noted.) Remember to tred lightly through the woods (maybe stick to a path, if possible) to give those new plants a chance. Within the next few weeks we’ll have aContinue Reading

Wrapping up the Maple Syrup season, the winter may seem to drag on but spring is well on its way! Syrupy goodness is just around the corner. Maple Syrup Making Demos and Info. 3/28 10–noon, Whitewater State Park 3/28 11–2, Lake Maria State Park 3/28, 11–2, Wild River State ParkContinue Reading