It appears our Minnesota weekends are getting longer along with the daylight! Remember to check out your city or county parks for free fitness opportunities in the great outdoors, including boot camp and yoga. Check out your local parks or natural resources page. For example, here’s St. Paul’s. June 26Continue Reading

It’s summer in Minnesota—don’t forget your bug spray! Remember to ask the ranger at campground check-in for a list of events. Hot this summer: Archery in the Park is back! And check out the new, Free (we like that!), “learn to fish” opportunities across the entire state! Learn to Fish! Free, equipmentContinue Reading

May 24, Como Park Garlic Mustard Challenge 9-11 a.m. (REGISTRATION) We are partnering with Conservation Corps Minnesota to host a garlic mustard challenge. Join the Corps crews and other groups and individuals to help us clear away this pesky invasive species. Location: Como Woodland Outdoor Classroom (CWOC) May 24, Beaver Dam Hike 10Continue Reading

It’s migration time! Don’t forget to review the bird checklist for the park you visit this weekend: HERE. Friday, May 16 May 16, Evening Exploration Walk 8–9 p.m. Explore your nighttime senses—”listen like an owl, smell like a wolf” and . . . “taste lightening bug candy”?! Interstae Park hasContinue Reading

Birders delight—spring migration is here! And it’s Mother’s Day! AND it’s opening fishin’ Open Fish Details: Walleye, sauger, northern pike season: 5.10.14–2.22.15 Stream Trout in lakes 2014 summer season 5.10.14–10.31.14 Lake Trout 5.10.14–9.30.14 Smallmouth Bass 2014 early season: North and East of U.S. Hwy 53 (Duluth to Intnl Falls) andContinue Reading