
Volunteers across the state are needed to track Minnesota’s loon population as part of the Minnesota Loon Monitoring Program.  You will be assigned to a pre-selected lake to count the number of loons you see on one morning between June 27 and July 7, 2014.    Call or e-mail the following DNRContinue Reading

Don’t let the snow deceive you! Spring IS on its way! Events FREE unless otherwise noted. April 5, Rising Waters Photo Hike 8:30-10:30 a.m. Location: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Volunteer naturalist will lead photographers on an exploration of the refuge’s site near the old Cedar Avenue Bridge. Bring your ownContinue Reading

The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program has a few volunteer opportunities yet for 2014 survey (April–May). Check out the site for areas that need a volunteer, HERE. More info., photos, calls, past surveys, etc., courtesy of MN DNR, HERE.  Continue Reading

Get out to experience your local ice skating rink before Sunday when temps are to hit 50! I couldn’t find a single cohesive list but each city and/or county parks division has a list. Internet search: Outdoor ice rink city of _________. March 27, Live Eagle Program 11, 1, 3pm, FREEContinue Reading

This summer, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation is piloting a Volunteer Park Patrol consisting of 8-14 volunteers in Como Regional Park.  Park Patrol volunteers (“park ambassadors”) help create “safe and welcoming” environments for park visitors. Minimum requirement: 8 hours per month. Training and materials will be provided. ContactRyanna.Jackson@ci.stpaul.mn.us if you are interested inContinue Reading