A Fargo-based potato grower prominent in northern Minnesota has requested to clear-cut some 27,000 acres of forestland. DNR commissioner not convinced that is in the best interest of state.
“Altogether, the forest lands that have been cleared, or are at risk of being cleared, cover a total area of about 42 square miles,” which is equivalent to the cities of Bemidji, Brainerd and Detroit Lakes combined, the DNR release said.
Story HERE
On the potato grower’s website, they have added a page called “Clarification of Facts Surrounding Potlatch Land Purchases in Minnesota” (see page HERE) and on their Home page they state they are a “Minesota Company” (because the company was “founded by a Minnesota native”). On their Our History page they say “We are a six-generation, family-owned and operated potato farm operations headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota.”
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