MN Fire Updates – North Shore (State Level 5)

Several fires are being suppressed in Minnesota. Awareness levels are set high for Northern Minnesota. Per the MN DNR, “Statewide Planning Level is 5. Red Flag Warnings are in effect for NW and north central MN from 1300 to 1800.”

Be Safe with Fire
Remember, you can never be too safe when it comes to preventing forest fires. The DNR suggests following these steps to build a safe campfire. The area should be clear of any combustible material 5 feet in all directions around the fire.

  1. Clear the campfire site down to bare soil.
  2. Build a small fire no more than 3 feet or less in diameter and 3 feet or less in height. Scoop out a depression in the center of a cleared area and arrange a ring of rocks around it.
  3. Contain the fire within a designated fire ring.
  4. Have a bucket of water and a shovel near the campfire.
  5. Put out the campfire by drowning it with water, stirring it and drowning it again.
  6. Be careful with gas lanterns, barbecue grills, gas stoves and anything that can start a wildfire.

Current Minnesota Fires

Daily Fire Burning and Burning Restriction Maps are available from the DNR. The following fires are being addressed in Minnesota now:

Finland, Embarrass Forest Fires

Skibo area, Hoyt Lakes (also Embarrass and Finland)

Lake Hattie

Alberta, Canada

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