MN Nature Activities: March 27–April 3

Check out the custom fishing rod workshop coming up April 1. All events listed are free, unless otherwise noted.


Sunday, March 27

03/27/16 Maple Syruping in Your Backyard
1–2:30 PM Join us for our annual “Maple Syruping in Your Backyard” workshop. Learn about the natural history of maple trees, and the history of making maple syrup. Find out what equipment is required, how to tap trees, how to process sap into syrup, and the best part – tasting the syrup. Program will start at the Visitor Center. No registration required.
Fort Snelling State Park


Monday, March 28

03/28/16 Public Meeting on Long Lake Wildlife Designation and Management
6:30 –8 PM DNR has scheduled a public meeting to discuss wildlife designation and management for Long Lake in Cottonwood County. The meeting will be held at the Windom Area DNR office, 175 County Rd. 26 in Windom, MN. The meeting will run from 6:30-8:00pm on Monday, March 28th, 2016.
Windom Area DNR office, 175 County Rd. 26, Windom, MN


Wednesday, March 30

03/30/16 Wednesday Trail Walks
1–2:30 PM Get outside and discover whatever natural happenings we can see along the trail. 651-231-6968. Meet at the trail head in Stillwater.
Brown’s Creek State Trail

03/30/16 Bowhunting $$$
$40 (parts 1 to 3) Adult women’s class. Learn about  hunting equipment and target practice. Course dates and times: March 30 or 31, 2016, 6:30-8:00p.m. or April 8, 2016, 7:00-8:30p.m. Register with Linda Bylander at or 218-203-4347.
A1 Archery, Hudson, WI

03/30/16 Little Rock Creek “Sustainable Groundwater Use Plan” —Project Advisory Team Meeting
1–4 PM The Project Advisory Team for the Little Rock Creek Sustainable Groundwater Planning Project will have their second meeting on March 30. The public is invited to attend.
Rice City Hall, 205 Main St E, Rice, MN 56367


Thursday, March 31

03/31/16 Minnesota Stories in a Changing Climate
6:30–8 PM Hear six stories, along with narration from some of the state’s leading climate experts. Originally produced as part of Climate Minnesota: Local Stories, Community Solutions project. Climate Minnesota is a project of Climate Generation: A Will Steger Legacy. The full production and the individual story clips are intended to serve as an educational and inspirational resource to build Minnesotans’ awareness of climate impacts and encourage the sharing of climate stories across the state.
Frontenac State Park


Friday, April 1

04/01/16 Fishing Rod Building Workshop $$$ —Register by March 25 (320) 852-7200
6–10 PM $150 includes all materials (rod blank kits for a high-quality 6’10” medium-action, with extra fast tip, 1-piece spinning rod). Construct your own open-water fishing rod during this two-day rod-building workshop. Friday (April 1, 6–10 PM): thread art or rod customizing, like diamonds or chevrons. Saturday (April 2, 8AM–5PM) rod building, start to finish. Whether you’re a new rod-building enthusiast or experienced, you’ll learn something. Instructor Jeremy Schneider specializes in rod-building classes, is an experienced instructor, and has all of the other necessary equipment to make this workshop possible. After completion the rods will need to be on the dryer for at least 8 hours, so participants will be able to pick up their completed rods on Sunday or any day the following week. Come learn a new skill and walk away with a great fishing rod to be used this summer!
Lake Carlos State Park


Saturday, April 2

04/02/16 Bird Watching Trek
8–10 AM Join us for a bird walk on one of the many refuge units and learn about the birds that migrate to and through the refuge, during their spring migrations. With a variety of habitats at the different units, you will want to explore them all. During these walks we will search for some of the species of waterfowl, shorebirds, warblers and sparrows. Birders of all skill levels are welcome on these walks. Bring along your binoculars, favorite field guide and dress appropriately for the weather. Led by Craig Mandel, Volunteer Refuge Naturalist
Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center

04/02/16 Our Mississippi Educator Workshop
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Formal and non-formal educators are invited to attend this hands-on workshop to learn about the natural and cultural resources of the Upper Mississippi River. The primary goal of the Our Mississippi curriculum is to provide educators a mix of classroom, self-directed, and collaborative lessons and activities about the Upper Mississippi River that meet a wide range of national learning standards. You will learn tips and techniques to incorporate the Our Mississippi activities into your programs or curriculum. The target audience is 3rd- to 8th-grade educators. The workshop is being held free of charge, but participants should come prepared with a sack lunch. Pre-registration is required, as the workshop is limited to 30 participants. To register or for additional information, contact Sandra Lichter at 218-699-7252 or email Sandra Lichter at .
Itasca State Park

04/02/16 Early Spring on the Refuge
9–11 AM Let’s welcome in the spring with a photo hike at the Wilkie Unit. Depending upon the state of the Minnesota River, we may explore the flooded areas, or we may just poke around in the Wilkie unit looking for interesting signs of spring. This time of year you never know what you will find. We will meet in the parking lot and allow the conditions to determine which route we will take. Make sure to dress warm and to wear footwear that can tolerate some muddy conditions. Led by Don Tredinnick and Peter Berman, Volunteer Refuge Naturalists
Minnesota Valley Natural Wildlife Refuge, Wilkie Unit, 7701 County Road 101, Shakopee, MN

04/02/16 Bird Language
9 AM to 1 PM Join us as we gather on the slopes of the Minnesota River Valley to explore what the birds are telling us about our surroundings. We will split the time between the classroom and outdoors. Bring a notebook, pencils, and something to sit on outdoors. Register online. Led by Donnie Phyillaier, Volunteer Refuge Naturalist
Minnesota Valley Natural Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington Education and Visitor Center (Classroom A)

04/02/16 Family Backyard Maple Sugaring Class $$$
9 AM to 4PM Ages 9+ $15 Visit the backyard sugar-bush of the Martin family where you’ll learn to identify several varieties of maple trees, how and when to tap, various methods of collecting sap and how to operate a wood-fired cooker/evaporator and complete the final filtering. Leave with a bottle of pure maple syrup. Bring a sack lunch. Additional bottles may be purchased.
Clear Lake, MN

04/02/16 Maple Syruping Demonstration
11 AM to 2 PM Come and learn about process of making real maple syrup. This includes tapping the maple trees, cooking the sap and the finishing process. You’ll also get a chance to taste the final product. The demonstration is on-going, so arrive anytime between 11 am and 2 pm. You can expect snowy, muddy and or wet conditions on the short hike to the tapping area.
Lake Maria State Park

04/02/16 Birding
11 AM to 2 PM Stop by the Visitor Center Theater to learn all about birding. Take the birding challenge; test your knowledge of bird songs; play beakology and much more.
Gooseberry Falls State Park

04/02/16 Tricks for Taking Great Outdoor Photos
11 AM to Noon Learn to take stunning nature photographs with a few lessons from Post-Bulletin outdoors writer/photographer, John Weiss, and also see some of his favorite shots.
Whitewater State Park

04/02/16 Nature Hike: The Promise of Spring
1–2:30 PM Winter can last a long time in Minnesota, but come to Fort Snelling State Park to beat your cabin fever. We’ll explore the trails and look for signs that spring is around the corner! Dress for the weather and meet at the Visitor Center. No registration required.
Fort Snelling State Park


Sunday, April 3

04/03/16 Maple Syruping Demonstration
11 AM to 2 PM Come and learn about process of making real maple syrup. This includes tapping the maple trees, cooking the sap and the finishing process. You’ll also get a chance to taste the final product. The demonstration is on-going, so arrive anytime between 11 am and 2 pm. You can expect snowy, muddy and or wet conditions on the short hike to the tapping area.
Lake Maria State Park

04/03/16 Maple Syruping in Your Backyard
1–2:30 Adult women: Join us for our annual maple syrup workshop. Learn about the natural history of maple trees and the history of making maple syrup. Find out what equipment is required, how to tap trees, how to process sap into syrup, and the best part – tasting syrup! No registration required.
Fort Snelling State Park

04/03/16 Maple Sugaring in Your Backyard
1–2 PM oin us for our annual maple syrup workshop. Learn about the natural history of maple trees and the history of making maple syrup. Find out what equipment is required, how to tap trees, how to process sap into syrup, and the best part–tasting syrup!
Fort Snelling State Park


Upcoming . . .

Rain Garden Rescue, 4.05

Pollinator Gardening, 4.09

Bird Watching Trek, 4.09

Earth Day 2016, 4.22

Urban Waters Forum, 4.23

Arboretum Bud Break, 5.01

Wilderfest Gravel Road Races, 5.13

Bike MS: Twin Cities Ride 2016, 5.7

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