MN is on the verge of considering a bill that would help prevent oil train disasters and respond better if they occur, but the bill does not include pipeline safety.
86 pipelines operate in Minnesota, per Gov. Dayton and Enbridge proposes to expand and build new. Money to fund the oil safety bill would come from an increase in existing railroad assessment and from general tax dollars. Dayton said:
“Most Minnesotans will receive little, if any, direct benefit from the transport of these materials across our state,” Dayton said. “At the very least, their health and safety, the health and safety of their communities and the quality of their surrounding natural resources should be protected to the greatest extent possible. And they should not have to pay for this protection with their own tax dollars.” – See full story HERE. Read some history of the topic HERE.
New mineral exploration and pipeline projects have been heavily debated recently in Minnesota. In April 300+ people rallied against the proposed tar sands pipeline expansion project. See that story HERE.
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