MN Soil and Water Conservation Candidates 2012

Learn about your region’s candidates (incl. contact info.) HERE.

Learn more about the job expectations for this position HERE.

Some info. compiled on Ramsey County candidates:

Powers & Duties
Watershed Districts engage in varied water resources activities and projects. They work cooperatively with other local organizations toward common water management goals.

In general, under M.S. Chapter 103D.335, a Watershed District has the power to:
-levy property taxes and special assessments
-hire staff and consultants
-regulate development

Gwen Willems
Greg Ryan

Gwen Willems (Falcon Heights) is endorsed by the DFL. She is currently the vice chair of the Conservation District board. Contact: or (651) 646-8854

Greg Ryan (Roseville). Per the Sun Focus: “(No website was listed to learn more about the candidate, and he couldn’t be reached for comment before this edition went to press.)”

Mara Magnuson Humphrey

Mara Magnuson Humphrey (Saint Paul) is endorsed by the DFL, PROGRESSPPAC, Senator Mee Moua, Ramsey County Commissioner Jim McDonough, Representative Tim Mahoney, and City Council Member Dan Bostrom. She was (is?) a registered lobbyist for the financial industry (per Fraters Libertas, 2008). She is a member of the Ramsey County Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee; Board of Directors, Friends of Lake Phalen; Vice President—Governmental Affairs, Minnesota Credit Union Network. She was the past president of New Bridge Homeowners Association. She has a B.A. in Government, St. Lawrence University. She is married and has two children. Contact: or (651) 772-5436

Matt Ledvina
Margaret Ann Behrens
Dee Dodge George

Matt Ledvina is a civil and environmental engineer with significant professional experience in stormwater management. He is endorsed by the DFL. Per his website: “I am seeking election to the Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation District or RCD. We need Engineers and Scientists in planning and decision-making roles when it comes to the natural environment. I have the technical background and real-world experience to make a strong contribution.” Contact: (651) 578-1658

Margaret Ann Behrens (Maplewood), incumbent, is an invironmental consultant program counselor (PCA). She filed a lawsuit against another candidate in a prior race (the lawsuit was thrown out). She graduated from Century College Business Management and Supervision; she has paralegal health care certifications, and customer service management experience. Per her statement to the STRIB, in her past four years she accomplished “a reorganization of the RCD, a new COMP plan, annual plan, and strategic planning of conservation priorities from a regional perspective. I have proven results of my marketing and outreach. The site visits for the RCD increase 49%. In addition, in 2011, the RCD revenue exceeded expenditures for the first time since 2002, which resulted in an increase in the RCD fund balance.” Contact:

Dee (Dodge) George is a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry (per her LinkedIn page an employer is Takeda Pharmaceuticals and her first job accomplishment listed is, “Lobbied in five state region on legislative and regulatory issues with potential impact to business interests and executed favorable outcomes”). Contact: 651-756-7956

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