“Not Your Grandfather’s Iron Ore Mine”

Conservation Minnesota and the Boundary Waters Wilderness and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) recently formed the Mining Truth Coalition to “engage all Minnesotans—including mining companies, non-profit organizations, businesses, policy makers, and private citizens—in a respectful, open, fact-based dialogue about mining and its impacts.”

They said, “We should be proud of our mining past, but we have to be smart about our future.”

“Sulfide mining has never been done in Minnesota. Based on its track record in other parts of the country and globally, there are serious risks to consider.
• Toxic pollution has happened at every sulfide mine in the world to date.
• The proposed Minnesota mines put Lake Superior and the BWWA at risk. These natural resources
are finite and fragile.
• They attract $1.6 billion in annual tourism and recreation dollars in northeastern Minnesota.
• In other states, the clean up bill for sulfide mines is in the billions of dollars, creating a
major taxpayer liability.”

See more HERE (ConservationMinnesota.org)

Our friends in Wisconsin DNR Identifies Potential Problems with Iron Mining

Midwest Environmental Advocates Mining

Iron Mining in MN

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