DNR Survey Results on Wolf Hunt Are In
Results are in. Per Howling for Wolves Org. email : “Minnesotans have . . . overwhelmingly opposed the planned wolf hunting and trapping season . . . almost 80 percent of the more than 7,300 participants registering their opposition. Despite overwhelming opposition, the DNR is moving forward with their plansContinue Reading
Expiring Conservation Reserve Program Options
Over 292,000 acres of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land in Minnesota will be expiring from this USDA program on September 30 . . . Read full story HERE Fact sheet HEREContinue Reading
DNR Open to Comments on Wolf Hunt
The MN Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting online comments in a limited survey. Public comment period ends June 20. Note that the wolf hunt will even be allowed within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area——an ecologically important preserve area. More info. here, including facts on the gray wolf HEREContinue Reading
Gov. Mark Dayton to Discuss Clean Energy with Form. Col. Gov.
Gov. Mark Dayton is discussing with former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter the opportunities Minnesota has to align responsible stewardship of Minnesota’s environment (air, land, water) with job creation. The former Colo. Gov. is in Minnesota all week. This is a real opportunity for Gov. Dayton to acknowledge the potential forContinue Reading
Wolf hunt passed (final update for now)
The wolf hunt in Minnesota was signed by Gov. Dayton despite no one really being happy with the results. 6,000 hunters and trappers will be awarded the chance to hunt (there is an estimated 3,000 gray wolves in Minn. and the DNR’s min. statewide winter population goal is 1,600 wolves)—seeContinue Reading