From Howling for Wolves: Hello Everyone, Yesterday, the Minnesota State Senate passed the Game and Fish Bill off the floor and into conference. While we were able to get a showing of support on the floor through Senators Hann, Dibble, Bonoff and Eaton, our move to get a 5 yearContinue Reading

Per Mpls Park and Rec we should wait to prune ash trees until fall because the ash borers are active now through Labor Day. Why is this important? “Emerald ash borers are a major concern because they have caused the deaths of millions of ash trees in 13 states, andContinue Reading

The authors of the wolf hunt bills in the MN House did not consult with tribal stakeholders nor did they openly and clearly announce the discussion and seek opinion from the general public. Consequently, watch the legislative process that occurred in Minnesota April 3, 2012 HERE. Without adequate input fromContinue Reading