What Made That Big Track in the Park?
Long Lake, MN: Walking through Wolsfeld Woods today there was a 6″-plus paw track (no claws) on the path. Possibilities: cougar, bobcat, or lynx. My guess? Cougar, I guess. Comparing tracks: Cougar Tracks vs. Bobcat Tracks vs. Lynx Tracks The cougar (or “mountain lion”) has been frequently sited in Minnesota butContinue Reading
Celebrate Leap Day by Helping Frogs!
HOW TO HELP Scientist-approved ways to help out our amphibian friends: 1. Reduce chemical use in your home. 2. Eat a vegetarian meal once a week. 3. Clean up your backyard habitat. Look for an adopt-a-stream-program, like THIS ONE in Rockville or THIS ONE through the PCA 4. Help monitorContinue Reading
Science-based Air Quality Standards Disregarded by EPA
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff scientists have gathered data and determined a “safe” exposure level to fine particulates (including those from sources like agricultural activity, vehicle exhaust, and emissions from coal-fired power plants); however, despite science-based evidence, the EPA’s proposed air pollution standards fail to sufficiently protect public health. FullContinue Reading
The Dawes Allotment Act was passed 125 years ago this month . . .
Learn more about this act from the Indian (American) perspective. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhwSW2a_RPY&feature=youtu.be Per the US Department Interior: “1887-1889 The Dawes Act authorizes allotments to Indians.” Per the National Park Service: “Under the Dawes Act heads of Indian families would receive 160-acre allotments, with the Secretary of theContinue Reading
MN Wolf Hunt Update 1
Dan Stark, DNR large carnivore specialist, will give a free presentation on Minnesota’s wolf population, status, and management on Thu, March 8, 3pm–4pm in Grand Rapids. Where: 1861 East Hwy. 169, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Location: Multipurpose Room, University of Minnesota North Central Research and Outreach Center, 1861 East Hwy.Continue Reading