Long Lake, MN: Walking through Wolsfeld Woods today there was a 6″-plus paw track (no claws) on the path. Possibilities: cougar, bobcat, or lynx. My guess? Cougar, I guess. Comparing tracks: Cougar Tracks vs. Bobcat Tracks vs. Lynx Tracks The cougar (or “mountain lion”) has been frequently sited in Minnesota butContinue Reading

HOW TO HELP Scientist-approved ways to help out our amphibian friends: 1. Reduce chemical use in your home. 2. Eat a vegetarian meal once a week. 3. Clean up your backyard habitat. Look for an adopt-a-stream-program, like THIS ONE in Rockville or THIS ONE through the PCA 4. Help monitorContinue Reading

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff scientists have gathered data and determined a “safe” exposure level to fine particulates (including those from sources like agricultural activity, vehicle exhaust, and emissions from coal-fired power plants); however, despite science-based evidence, the EPA’s proposed air pollution standards fail to sufficiently protect public health. FullContinue Reading

Learn more about this act from the Indian (American) perspective. Watch the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhwSW2a_RPY&feature=youtu.be Per the US Department Interior: “1887-1889 The Dawes Act authorizes allotments to Indians.” Per the National Park Service: “Under the Dawes Act heads of Indian families would receive 160-acre allotments, with the Secretary of theContinue Reading

Dan Stark, DNR large carnivore specialist, will give a free presentation on Minnesota’s wolf population, status, and management on Thu, March 8, 3pm–4pm in Grand Rapids. Where: 1861 East Hwy. 169, Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Location: Multipurpose Room, University of Minnesota North Central Research and Outreach Center, 1861 East Hwy.Continue Reading