“][/caption]Aug. 15-17 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) worked with St. Paul-based Midwest Floating Islands, ASLA-MN and LHNA to install artificial islands made of recycled plastic bottles that act as natural floating islands in Spring Lake. The islands are planted with native species to serve as wetland habitat for birdsContinue Reading

Federal Cartridge Co. of Minnesota is being given a $46.5 million contract for AA40 5.56mm frangible ammunition, the U.S. Defense Department reported. Full story here. Yet, just in 2008 the MN DNR found over 130 species of animals (including upland birds, raptors, waterfowl, and reptiles) … exposed or killed byContinue Reading

Our waters are beautiful—but they’re in trouble. Many lakes are threatened by pollution and overdevelopment. In fact, about 40 percent of tested waterways statewide are classified as impaired. A few years ago, in its response to a lawsuit brought by polluters, the U.S. Supreme Court opened a loophole in theContinue Reading