Property owners in the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, which includes most of Southwest, can now apply for grants to help pay for projects that protect local water resources. Those projects could include the installation of rain gardens or pervious pavers, eligible for grants of up to 50 percent of total projectContinue Reading

Newly elected officials rejected 20 of 94 projects the group had approved just last year. … drive to redirect about $7.5 million in Minnesota State Lottery proceeds that had been tentatively been promised to other environmental projects over the next two years. See full article here.Continue Reading

New legislation hands the responsibility for environmental assessments to the corporations pushing the projects. . . Critics said portions of it weaken regulatory and environmental protections instead of simply streamlining procedures. . . .  “We’re passing a bit of a pig in a poke here,” said Steve Morse, executive director ofContinue Reading