Lawmakers hope to provide a long-term solution for sustainable water. In collaboration with more than 200 experts, as well as other government organization and leaders, University of Minnesota professor and co-Director of the Water Resources Center Deborah Swackhamer has created a 25-year plan to help restore Minnesota’s lakes and rivers. FullContinue Reading

Using a common metal most famously found in self-cleaning ovens, Sossina Haile hopes to change our energy future. The metal is cerium oxide—or ceria—and it is the centerpiece of a new technology developed by Haile and her colleagues that concentrates solar energy and uses it to efficiently convert carbon dioxideContinue Reading

“The issue is simple. If you want less deer, you are going to have to kill them,” said DeNicola, president of White Buffalo Inc. The nonprofit group, which operates in 17 states, kills deer with firearms and provides deer contraceptives and sterilizations. . . . it’s a “myth” that deerContinue Reading

Five Minnesota conservation groups are suing an economic-development agency in Eveleth over its $4 million loan to a mining company. [. . .] They say the board shouldn’t have agreed to lend the money while the project remains under review. Full Story here.Continue Reading