Crematory outcry has Minnesota cities weighing risks
Along with wastewater plants, halfway houses and homeless shelters, Minnesotans apparently have added crematories to the list of things that have neighbors howling “not in my back yard.” Full Story here.Continue Reading
Wastewater treatment problems plague new plant in Fountain
“The MPCA felt that the testing included in the permit wasn’t enough. Our response was to set up a once-quarterly sample at Valley, with the provision that the city can come in once a quarter at any time and test for anything it needs to.” Full Story here.Continue Reading
MN Tax Dollars On the Table for Big Business…Already in 2011?
Digi-Key, Arctic Cat, and Northstar Agri Industries were some of the luncheon meeting attendees along with Mark Dayton this past Tuesday. Story here.Continue Reading
NOT what MNs want: more nuclear power plants
In one of their first legislative initiatives, Republicans will begin pushing this week to lift a longtime ban on new nuclear power plant projects in Minnesota. Full story here. However, according to polls nuclear is not what Minnesotans want (see recent poll here). Voice your thoughts directly to Gov. MarkContinue Reading
Minnesotans Want Environmental Protection
Statewide Poll Shows Voters Oppose Raids of Legacy Funds & Want Better Enforcement of Environmental Laws despite economic conditions. Full story: Join Discussion.Continue Reading