MN Nature in St Paul, Minnesota, shares nature activities, volunteer opportunities, and conservation resources for FREE! Why? We love Minnesota’s wild places! The weekends in November mark the deer hunting season, so we recommend you call state parks before planning your outing. Some parks close for hunts, others remain openContinue Reading

MN Nature in St Paul, Minnesota, welcomes you to take a fall hike along the river bottoms of the great Mississippi, explore the North Country along the Red Pine Trail, and experience the cooling climate of fall. It’s a beautiful time to be in Minnesota. Get out there and enjoyContinue Reading

MN Nature weekly outdoor activities

Happy fall from MN Nature in St Paul, Minnesota! As of Sept 1, those of us in the North were greeted by meteorlogical fall. The temps dropped and the golden hour of sunlight shifted to 5:30. Right on time. While the sun continues to wane over the coming weeks beContinue Reading

MN Nature in St Paul, Minnesota, has great FREE activities for you to enjoy the outdoors. Whether you want to hike or volunteer or learn from a naturalist, the events here will broaden your understanding of nature and provide new opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Like our facebook pageContinue Reading

MN Nature in St Paul, Minnesota, is the place to be for outdoor activities and volunteer opportunities state-wide! We’re the go-to stop to plan your adventures for the week. The best part? All events are FREE unless otherwise specifically noted. All are welcome! And this week is extra special becauseContinue Reading