mississippi river volunter, MN Nature

Summer Minnesota Volunteer Activities, 2018

MN Nature in St Paul, MN, would like to share several Summer 2018 Volunteer Opportunities with you. Our parks and trails and other open/green spaces depend on us to help them thrive and continue to provide joy and greater health to us and wildlife.

MN Nature also lists individual volunteer opportunities weekly year-round in our MN Nature Week Activities blogs. Follow us here, on facebook, twitter, or tumblr to stay in the know. Enjoy the great outdoors! #MNnature

What Types of Volunteer Opportunities Are There?

Campground host

Invasive species removal

Garbage pick-up

Tree planting

Environmental education

How to Find Outdoors Volunteer Opportunities:

1. Open a web browser to search.

2. Type in your City Name followed by “Parks and Rec Volunteer Opportunities”

Alternatively, you can search for your county name, neighborhood name, or the name of an organization or specific park you like.

3. Browse volunteer opportunities or search for the Calendar. If you can’t find events, try calling to inquire about conservation or parks volunteer opportunities.


Here’s a sample of activities out there.


Little Bohemia Trail
Volunteer along this MN Nature pollinator trail in Little Bohemia Neighborhood in Saint Paul, MN, to help the site thrive. The site is planted and maintained by volunteers with the financial support of various grants and programs and lots of good ‘ol sweat and hard work by a community that cares for their green spaces. Every third Monday 6:30-7:30 PM. Meet at Garfield and Harrison in the W7th neighborhood of St Paul, MN.

Turtle Rescue Field Trip — JUNE 08
5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Each June, turtles lay their eggs at a site twenty miles from Whitewater. Females leave their wetlands and cross a busy road en route to their sand prairie nesting area. You can help these turtles survive by assisting them across the road. Space is limited. To sign up, email sara.holger@state.mn.us or call 507-312-2308.
Whitewater State Park

City of Bloomington
Make a positive impact through volunteerism. You can build your resume, make friends and increase quality of life in your community – all while helping others. Check out the opportunities below and apply today!

City of Burnsville
The City of Burnsville thanks the hundreds of people who volunteer for the City! The 2017 Volunteer Recognition event was held in May.

City of Duluth Parks & Rec
Help Duluth keep their vibrant parks and sophisticated trails and bike trails clean and safe, maintained, usable, and healthy

City of Roseville’s Green Team
Join the team of volunteers at the Arboretum who assure that the public gardens are picture perfect and continue to spark community pride. Help weed and maintain beautiful flower beds that make up this free public access space. Join us weekly or as your schedule permits throughout the season. Join the team as an individual or bring your own team of friends, co-workers or family members. Contact Rachel Boggs, Rachel.boggs@cityofroseville.com, or 651.792.7028 for more information. THANK YOU for volunteering!

City of Roseville’s Adopt-a-Park
Roseville parks look great because of the dedicated help of many. Consider joining the Adopts-a-Park team to help plant and maintain flowers, pick up litter and keep an eye out for areas needing attention and/or repair. The City provides bags, plants for flowerbeds, support and resources as needed. Call today to find out which parks are still available. Contact Rachel Boggs, Rachel.boggs@cityofroseville.com, or 651.792.7028 for more information.

City of St Paul Park & Rec
If you enjoy being outside, taking care of our environment, and live or work or play in Saint Paul, you should consider joining our welcoming community of volunteers. We have a variety of ways to volunteer. We hope you will find a role that fits your needs, whether you have two hours or two years to give. More info here: St Paul Parks & Rec

City of Minneapolis
Each year, volunteers dedicate thousands of hours to MPRB programs. Volunteers make a vital difference to people, parks and our community. We provide all necessary training.

City of Minnetonka – Habitat Restoration
Volunteers make a big difference on habitat restoration projects. This is especially true in areas where extra care needs to be taken to save remnant native plants. Because there are more habitat restoration projects than the city can undertake, efforts by volunteers are critical to our success. While improving parks in their neighborhoods, volunteers get valuable hands-on experience that they can use in their own yards.

City of Plymouth
You can join the more than 2,400 volunteers who extend city resources through community volunteerism. By volunteering, you will learn about all that Plymouth has to offer and meet some remarkable people who share the same interests as you. The 2017 Volunteer Annual Report (PDF) is available to view.

Anoka County
The Anoka County Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities that can help you gain valuable work experience, make use of your skills and knowledge, and meet new friends. Time commitments are flexible.

Ramsey County
Help keep your parks beautiful, preserve natural resources and connect visitors to nature by volunteering with Parks & Recreation. Most positions are based at Tamarack Nature Center in White Bear Township. View the current openings below.

Washington County — Campground Host and more
Washington County Parks welcomes campground hosts in the campgrounds at Lake Elmo Park Reserve and St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park. Campground hosts are volunteers who live in the campground, in their own camping unit, for a portion of the summer. In exchange for a free campsite, they are responsible for providing information to campers, registering campers in the spring and fall, cleaning restrooms as necessary (between staff cleanings), and other related tasks. These positions fill quickly and may not always be available. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, contact the Parks Division’s Guest Services Supervisor at 651-430-8245 or email at Lori.Meyers@co.washington.mn.us.


Friends of the Mississippi River
Friends of the Mississippi River is proud to host over 100 high-quality outings and events annually.

The State agency that manages state parks, wildlife management areas, scientific natural areas, and campgrounds, including several lakes and rivers, relies on volunteers to help manage the state’s resources.

National Parks
The National Park Service offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups as part of the Volunteers-In-Parks program. Work behind the scenes or on the front line in positions ranging from a one-time service project/ volunteer event to a longer term position, serving alongside park employees or with one of our many partner organizations. Opportunities are available at park locations throughout the United States, including several in Minnesota, such as:

Mississippi National River and Recreation Area
Volunteers at the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area work alongside park rangers on a wide variety of events and projects. Volunteers provide valuable assistance in restoring native landscapes, providing new experiences and learning opportunities for school groups, assisting with logistics and skill building at public events, and providing visitors with information about how to experience the Mississippi River. (featured photo)


Popular Volunteer sites:




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