The Most Spectacular Migration Is Upon Us!

MN Nature is in awe of one of nature’s remarkable spectacles that can be witnessed each September at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve–right here in Duluth, Minnesota.

Record number in one day (2003):

Migrating raptors concentrate in impressive numbers at the western tip of Lake Superior en route to wintering destinations as far south as points in South America. Their journey starts as early as August and concludes in December. Naturalists are on site from September 1 through the end of October.

September — the BIG migration! Hawk Ridge averages over 750,000 raptors each fall.

October — good numbers of Bald and Golden Eagles, Rough-legged Hawks, Red-tailed Hawks and Northern Goshawks.

Time to watch — middle of the day.

What to bring — binocs, warm clothing, chair, and raptor ID sheet. Use a restroom before visiting.

For more info, visit


(Featured image: Michael Furtman, Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory)

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