Ultimate Holiday Nature Gift Guide (+ Coupons)

Don’t get caught at Walmart under the harsh lights the night before gift-giving this season!

The nature lover in your life will appreciate these meaningful unique gifts, and they’ll bring a smile to your face too . . . or so we hope.

Consider giving to a nature center or outdoor rec area in your city, or donate to an organization dedicated to a particular cause you or your loved one is interested in, whether it be wolves or moose, lakes or prairies!


Here’s a list to get your CREATIVE GIFTING started.

Happy creative, naturey gift-giving!


MFA  Gifts made of reclaimed wood in Minnesota.  Donate a tree from your yard to be upcycled into cool gifts.

Tree-Care-Advisors-NO-NAME   MNlandscapearboretum


logo  stateparkgc   permit


Plant a tree in the Capitol City of St Paul, Minnesota
Donate to City Forestry so they can plant trees in the Capitol City of St Paul, Minnesota


intnrlwolfcenter      Adoption-Moose-220x200




Shop with the vendors that were at the Green Fair.dnr-seedlings

leskouba    pdx16-combo-530x405 mnat_logo               bwca


Plant trees
Plant trees


Bee Lab, U of M
Bee Lab, U of M




Happy holidays!


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