Weekend Nature Activities: April 11–13

April 10–12, Introduction to Backpacking, open to all
6:30 p.m., Location 4.10: Tradition Creek (West 7th, St. Paul)
10 a.m., Location 4.12: Crosby Farm (qualifies scouts for the Backpacking Merit Badge)

April 12, Citywide Spring Cleanup
8:30 a.m. Registration, 9 a.m. Kickoff Celebrations, 9:15 a.m. Cleanup begins!
Click here to sign-up to volunteer and learn more about the event

April 12, Evening Bird Walk
Whitewater State Park, 3 mi. south of Elba

April 12, Orienteering
Monticello, MN: Lake Maria State Park

April 13, Miesville Grinder, 50-mile bike ride
9am–5pm, FREE (+ food after)
Miesville, MN baseball field

DeetTickCoin2April 15, Wood Tick Presentation
7:30 p.m. Minnesota Lyme Association will talk about lyme and other tick-borne diseases, the current status of these diseases in MN, protection/prevention measures, and diagnosis and treatment options.
Host: Metro Area Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network
Location: White Bear Lake District Center (Central Middle School), 4855 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake

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