Weekend Nature Activities: April 20–21

Rising Waters Photo Hike @ Bloomington Ferry Unit (Minnesota National Wildlife Refuge)
Saturday, April 20, 6:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Now that winter is over and taxes are taken care of, join us for a fun and informative photo hike at the refuge. The rising waters of springtime make for some very interesting photo opportunities. We will be exploring the site of the old Bloomington Ferry Bridge, which would famously flood every year prompting the construction of a much higher, modern bridge. We will head over the bike bridge and follow the trail as far as we can go. This will be a fantastic opportunity to work on reflections and capture some very unique photos. Bring your camera and tripod if you have one, and dress for the weather. (Led by Don Tredinnick, Volunteer Refuge Naturalist)

Bird Watching Trek @ Rapids Lake Education and Visitor Center
Saturday, April 20, 7:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
By April, bird migration is in full swing! Bird life on the prairie is very different than bird life in the forest, and we may see Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Kingbirds, and many species of sparrows. Birders of all skill levels are welcome on this walk. Bring along your binoculars and favorite field guide, and dress for the weather. (Led by Craig Mandel, Volunteer Refuge Naturalist)

 Contact locations first, as all the snow may postpone some of these events!!!

Earth Day Weekend Clean-up Sites (April 20): Generally 9:30–noon

Anoka County Parks, 11:30 and Cook Rapids Cleanup Site

Battlecreek (Mtn. bike and cleanup)

Cedar Creek Conservation Center

Coon Rapids

Grand Marias’s cleanup is on April 22

Indian Mounds Park

Kane Meadows Park (Blaine)

Minnesota National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington Ferry Unit, 10 a.m. (or call 952-858-0715)

Park & Rec “2013 Cleanup Sites”

Richardson Nature Center (Bloomington)

RITE of Spring (Mahtomedi)

Rochester Roads Cleanup (pre-registration required)

Roseville, City of (parade and other events as well as cleanup opportunities)

South Creek (Vermillion)

St. Cloud (half marathon and post-cleanup opportunities)

St. Paul Citywide Cleanup (several sites, also check with your closest neighborhood organization)

Watershed Cleanup (Friends of the Miss. River)

Weber Park (Mpls)

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