Weekend Nature Activities: Dec. 5–7

Get geared up for some ice fishin’! And check out the awesome deal for Wild Hockey tickets with your fishing license! We’re in store for a bit of a warm-up, so if anything oil your boots and get out for a hike! Ahhhh– MN Winters are AWESOME!

Friday, Dec. 5

Ice Fishing, Snowmobile & Winter Sport Show
Dec. 5-7: Fri. 1–9 p.m., Sat. 8–7 p.m., Sun. 10–5 p.m. For more info www.gsevents.com
Location: River Centre

St. Paul Ice Fishing & Winter Sports Show
Dec. 5–7. For more info. stpaulicefishingshow.com
Location: St. Paul River Centre

St. Paul Ice Fishing Show: Ice Formulas for Crappies and Sunfish
2 p.m. by “Tackle Terry” Tuma
Location: River Centr

Basket-making Class
6 p.m., $20 Learn how to make beautiful Williamsburg baskets. Fee includes materials and hands-on instruction. Reservations: 651-433-0500.
Location: William O’Brien State Park

Movie Night in the Park
6:30 p.m. “Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time.” Recommended reading: A Sand County Almanac.
Location: Tettegouche State Park

Full Moon Snowshoe
8-9:30 p.m., $5. Ages 6-plus. Guided tour of the park under light of the Gemini “Cold full Moon.” Equipment provided. Reservation required; 763-559-6700. More information: www.threerivers parks.org.
Location: Cleary Lake Regional Park

Saturday, Dec. 6

Birding Hike
8-10 a.m. (also Dec. 8)Bring binoculars and a field guide. More information: 952-858-0715 or www.fws.gov/refuge/Minnesota_Valley
Location: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, meet at the Refuge’s Wilkie Unit (in Shakopee)

Wreath-making Class
10–noon, and 1–3 p.m. $8.50 for materials.  Reservations 218-308-2300.
Location: Lake Bemidji State Park

Winter Bird-feeding Frenzy
10 a.m. Learn how to attract more birds to your backyard habitats. Make your own feeder for $5.
Location: Glendalough State Park

Winter Camping Class
10 a.m. This into. class covers clothing, safety and equipment. Other topics include choosing a campsite, shelter options and winter travel — from backpacking to pulling a sled through the BWCA. More information: 651-433-0500 or www. mndnr.gov/ptcalendar
William O’Brien State Park

Wintergreen Mysteries
12–4 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays in December
Can you and your family tell the difference between fir, spruce, cedar, and pine? Create a clue card to help learn their unique traits. When other trees’ branches are bare, the hardy evergreen trees keep our spirits green all winter long. Use cones to create a cheerful elf to decorate your home for the holidays.
Location: MN Landscape Arboretum, Learning Center

Chaska Valley Family Theatre
12–1 p.m., Saturday & Sunday, December 6th & 7th
Costumed Carolers from “A Christmas Carol-The Musical” will roam the Arboretum, and perform both traditional carols and selections from the classic holiday story set to music. Catch them in the Great Hall, Restaurant, or even outside!
Location: MN Landscape Arboretum

Wild Game Feed
11 a.m. For more information call 507-256-7278.
Location: Geneva Bar & Grill

Delano Snowstormers Banquet
For more info call Janice Matter, 952-955-2894.
Location: Delano American Legion Post 377

Winter in the River Valley
1–2 p.m. Hike and discover animals.
Location: Fort Snelling State Park

Building Bridges, Jay Cooke State Park
1–2 p.m. The iconic swinging bridge has been a-swingin for 90 years. Listen to stories of the bridge and see photos and rare blueprints.
Location: Jay Cooke State Park, interpretive center

Beavers in Winter!
1–3 p.m. Learn how they survive long winters. Presentation and short walk.
Location: Whitewater State Park

Nobles County DU Banquet
6 p.m., For more info. call 507-329-2223 or 507-727-4014
Location: Brewster, MN, Legion Hall

Full Moon Walk
6:30-8 p.m. $5 Ages 6-plus. Reservation required; 763-559-6700. More information: www.threerivers parks.org. Learn about tracking animals and look for signs in the snow. Search the sky for constellations and learn how winter affects animal activity.
Location: Carver Park Reserve, meet at Lowry Nature Center

Walleyes on Ice
Noon, Tackle Terry” Tuma, St. Paul Ice Fishing Show
Location: River Centre

Sunday, Dec. 7

Bird Language
9 a.m.-1 p.m. The session will be split between the classroom and the outdoors. Bring a notebook, pencils and something to sit on outside. More information: 952-858-0715 or www.fws.gov/refuge/Minne sota_Valley.
Location: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, meet at the Bloomington Education and Visitor Center

Wintergreen Mysteries
12–4 p.m., Saturdays and Sundays in December
Can you and your family tell the difference between fir, spruce, cedar, and pine? Create a clue card to help learn their unique traits. When other trees’ branches are bare, the hardy evergreen trees keep our spirits green all winter long. Use cones to create a cheerful elf to decorate your home for the holidays.
Location: MN Landscape Arboretum, Learning Center

Chaska Valley Family Theatre
12–1 p.m., Saturday & Sunday, December 6th & 7th
Costumed Carolers from “A Christmas Carol-The Musical” will roam the Arboretum, and perform both traditional carols and selections from the classic holiday story set to music. Catch them in the Great Hall, Restaurant, or even outside!
Location: MN Landscape Arboretum

Skins n Skulls (Whoa, sweet)
1–3 p.m. All animals are uniquely adapted for survival Learn about various adaptations by examining skins and skulls.
Location: Fort Snelling State Park, inside the visitor center



Dec. 9, 4–6 p.m. Science Institute for Educators Workshop, Great Lakes Aquarium, Duluth MN. 2-hour workshops showcasing nature-based activities; 6-hour field days engaging with local scientists. More info. HERE

Dec. 9,  DNR Days with the Minnesota Wild. With hunting or fishing license adults can access a discount ticket for a hockey game. Online only. Those who want to purchase should go to: www.mndnr.gov/wildhockey THANK YOU, MN DNR AND WILD HOCKEY!

Looking to volunteer for the DNR? Check out the many opportunities! HERE

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