Weekend Nature Activities: Feb. 6–8

Remember, events are FREE unless otherwise noted, because in Minnesota we’re cool like that.

Feb. 6

Candlelight Hike/Ski
6:30–9pm Along the groomed Lower Campground Roads to the WPA-era warming shelter.
Lac Qui Parle State Park, Watson (meet at lower campground area)

Dog Sleds, Snowshoes and more
1:00pmSat, 02/07, 10:00am
New exhibit, “Dog Sleds, Snowshoes, Winter Work and Play,” featuring dog sleds built by Hovland trapper Mike West, trapping artifacts, snowshoes built by John Beargrease and the history of the legendary mail-carrier, and dog sled racing memorabilia.

Cook County Historical Museum

Feb. 7

10am–noon Join us each Saturday in Feb. for outdoor exploration of forests, streamsides, and meadows. Use the park’s snowshoes or BYO.
Whitewater State Park

Snowshoe / Hike
10–11am Learn the history of snowshoeing, tips on different types, and fun places at the park to explore. Meet at Group Campground on campground side of state park. Rentals available (507-389-5464). No snow? Join us for a hike!
Minneopa State Park

Winter Tracking
11–noon Learn to track animals in the winter.
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Snowshoe or Hike Animal Tracking
11–12:30pm Join a naturalist to learn how to track animals. We’ll snowshoe or hike. Please sign up in advance (320-384-6591). Snowshoes available upon request.
St. Croix State Park

1 pm Visit this snow-covered wonderland along the Rainy River. Snowshoes available (adult + kid sizes) or BYO. Hot beverages served!
Franz Jevne State Park

Snowshoe Hike
1–2:30 Learn the basics then explore. Use our snowshoes or BYO.
Jay Cooke State Park

Snowshoe History and Hike
1–2:30 Indoor look at artifacts, etc., from a village in the 1600s and a 3,500-year-old campsite then join us for a snowshoe or hike.
Mille Lacs Kathio State Park, meet at visitor center

Ice Fishing FRENZY!
1:30–3:30 Learn the basics and have fun. May go without sayin’ but dress warm!
Lake Carlos State Park

Welcome Back Dupre!
5 pm All are invited to the Raven at the Gun Flint Tavern on Saturday, February 7th, at 5 p.m., for a gathering to welcome home Grand Marais explorer Lonnie Dupre, and hear the story of his recent climb.  In January, Dupre became the first person to successfully reach the summit of Denali, solo, in the month of January.
The Raven at the Gun Flint Tavern, Grand Marais

Candlelight Ski
5:30–8:30pm Annual event to listen to barred owls and other night winter sounds along 2-mile flat trail. All ages welcome. Bring a sled to pull houngsters, stop to get warm or roast a marshmallow at the outdoor campfire, step inside the visitor center around the wood stove for a hot cider and cookie.
Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park

Candlelight Hike or Snowshoe
5–8pm All ages welcome. Trail is 3 miles and suitable for beginners. Equipment available for rental (651-436-5391). No snow? Hike with us!
Afton State Park

Candlelight Ski
5–8pm Annual Root River event complete with bonfires at each end of the trail! Yea! Now that’s wintry fun!
Root River State Trail

Candlelight Ski and Snowshoe
6–9pm A magical event not to miss! Drop in anytime and afterward enjoy refreshments and a crackling fire.
Buffalo River State Park

Candlelight Snowshoe/Hike
6–9pm Walk or snowshoe. Use the park’s shoes or BYO. Snacks, refreshments, and outdoor campfire at Trail Center. No snow? Join us anyway!
Lake Maria State Park

Candlelight Snowshoe/Hike
Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Feb. 8

Fishing Derby
7am–2pm Annual Bronson Lion’s event. Bring your gear and enjoy the fun! Registration begins at 7. Meet at Victor Johnson Visitor Center.
Lake Bronson State Park

Snowshoe Hike
1–2:30 Discover Winter series with a park naturalist. Snowshoes available or BYO.
Afton State Park

Women’s Knot Tying  (Becoming an Outdoors Woman program, BOW)
1–2:30 Useful techniques for camping and canoeing. Materials provided.
Fort Snelling State Park

Snowshoe Lessons
1–2:15pm, or 2:30–3:45, Ages 9+, First lesson time must sell out before the second lesson will be offered. Class size is limited to 20; registration is required at 651-430-8370.
Lake Elmo Park Reserve, meets at the Eagle Point Trailhead



Upcoming . . . a look ahead

Feb. 10
Circle Time Under the Pines (kids 2–5 years)
10:30–11:30 Meet at Jacob V Brower Visitor Center classroom. Story, songs, crafts. Bring your winter clothes (snowpants + boots) because we’ll explore outside too. Adults must accompany children. Consider bringing a picnic lunch to enjoy around a fireplace in the visitor center lobby after program.
Itasca State Park

Feb. 12
Ice Walk
1–2:30 Check out the cracks and heaves along Rocky Point.
Lake Bemidji State Park, meet at park office

Feb. 14
9:30–11:30 am
Fibers for Kids (kids 7 +)
Create hands-on fiber projects, including card weaving, knitting, felting wool, paper beadwork, decorative kumihimo braiding, and more. Everyone will leave with at least three completed projects. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. The workshop is Saturday. Preregistration is required.
North House Folk School (Grand Marais)

Feb. 14 Sweetheart Night Ski & Torchlight Snowshoe Hike
6–9pm, Ski, snowshoe or hike on lighted trails, begin skiing at the Nordic Center, begin snowshoeing and hiking at the Big Bluestem Trail/Eagle Point Trailhead
Lake Elmo Park Reserve

Feb. 14 Fat Bike Event
Open to all ages. Cost: Free to attend, $5 for a riding pass ($3 for River Bend members). Ride your fat bike on the groomed, snow-covered ski trails! All of the River Bend’s ten miles of trails will be rolled and packed just for fat bikes. Tours every 90 minutes led by fat tire experts from some of our sponsors. Tours will include biking on some of the best trails at River Bend, a brief history of the grounds, and scenic views. Sponsors will also have booths in the Interpretive Center showcasing their businesses, fat tire bikes, and other biking equipment. The general public is encouraged to come learn about this new and engaging sport. Demo bikes will be provided for short lessons on fat tire biking. If you have your own fat tire bike stop into the Nature Center that day for your riding pass.
River Bend Nature Center

Feb. 25 $$$
4pm Age 15+ $8 Follow animal tracks and other clues on a guided winter hike for adults.
Lebanon Hills Regional Park, Discovery Room, Visitor Center

Feb. 26
Fix Your Holey Socks
Participants can bring socks or sweaters in need of repair and leave with socks that are good as new or sweaters with moth holes patched. No registration is required; nominal materials fee will be collected. Mending kits will be available.
North House Folk School (Grand Marais)

Beargrease Sled Comp Exhibit
Now thru March 16
The Great Lakes Aquarium will have a special exhibit of Beargrease Photography.



Whitewater State Park

Snowshoe Saturdays


Wild River State Park

23rd Annual Candlelight Ski/Snowshoe/Walk Event


Gateway State Trail

Gateway State Trail Candlelight Walk


Rice Lake State Park

Candlelight Ski / Snowshoe / Hike


Jay Cooke State Park

Celebrate 100 Years! – Candlelight Ski & Snowshoe Event


Glendalough State Park

Candlelight Ski


Big Bog State Park

Snowshoe Adventure


Itasca State Park

Old Time Logging Demo


Tettegouche State Park

Winter Camping 101


Lost Lake Peatland SNA

Valentine’s Day Snowshoe Hike


Fort Snelling State Park

Pond Life Through the Ice


Tettegouche State Park

Antlers Nature Cart


Tettegouche State Park

Winter Animal Tracking and Hike

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