Weekend Nature Activities: Sept. 12–14

Saturday, September 13

Purple Ride-Stride Twin Cities Bike or Run/walk (to fight pancreatic cancer)
7:30–3, 8, 25, 50-mile bike ride or 5k run/walk

Basswood Rope Making, Traditional Craft of Native Americans of St. Croix Valley
10–11 am, William O’Brien State Park (visitor center)

Three-Miles Pike Hike
10–noon, Fort Snelling State Park (meet at visitor center)

Cuyuna Lakes Klunker Ride (And Scrap Metal Jamboree)
10–5, Ironton, MN—Celebrate vintage klunkers, kruisers, and kustoms. Judged bike show, guided rides, food, and much more

Fur Trader Voyageur Hike
10:30–11:30, Savanna Portage State Park

Trail Walk
10:30–11:30, Mille Lacs Kathio State Park (interpretive center)

Build a Bluebird House
1–2 pm, St. Croix State Park ($10, sign up at interpretive center or call 320-384-6591)

Fossil Field Trip
1–3 pm, Whitewater State Park (9 miles from park, bring transportation)

Dragonflies and Other Awesome Arthropods
1–3 pm, William O’Brien State Park (Lake Alice Beach)

Underwater Archaeology Day
1–4 pm, Split Rock Lighthouse State Park (historical society grounds)

Mushroom Appreciation Hike
2–3:30 pm, Tettegouche State Park (meet at visitor center by fireplace)

Archery in the Park
2–4 pm, Fort Ridgely State Park (upper picnic area)

Aiton Heights Fire Tower Hike
2–4 pm, Itasca State Park (climb the tower for 100-foot tall views)

River Animal Life
5–6 pm, Fort Ridgely State Park (meet at picnic shelter in campground)

Music Under the Pines (Country style)
7–8:30 pm, Itasca State Park (Jacob V Brower Visitor Center)

Cemetery Tour
7–8 pm, Fort Ridgely State Park (meet at upper picnic area)

Beaver Hike
7–8:30 pm, William O’Brien State Park visitor center (bring hiking boots and flashlight)

Eagle Migration
7:30–8:30, Gooseberry Falls State Park (meet at Lady Slipper Lodge)

Night Hike
8–10 pm, Rice Lake State Park (meet at boat ramp parking lot)

Moonlight Hike
9–10 pm (waning gibbous 69% illuminated Taurus), Blue Mounds State Park


Sunday, September 14

Mpls Bike Tour (16, 25, or 32 miles)
8– , Boom Island . . . must pre-register by Sept .10

Fall Color Hike
10–noon, Gooseberry Falls State Park visitor center (by the art column)

10–11 am, William O’Brien State Park (visitor center)

10:30, Mille Lacs Kathio State Park (interpretive center)

Mississippi Headwaters Hike
11–noon, Itasca State Park (meet at porch of Mary Gibbs Miss. Heawaters Center)

Tree ID
11–noon, Fort Snelling State Park

Archery in Park
noon–2 pm, Itasca State Park (meet back lot of Indian Mounds/North picnic grounds parking area)

Bird Banding Demo
12:30–2 pm, Whitewater State Park

Minnesota Mushrooms
1–2 pm, Lake Maria State Park trail center (i.d., which are safe to eat, and more)

Friends of Whitewater Volunteer Opps
2–3 pm, learn about this new group, hear about volunteer opps, refreshments

Plant Hike
2–3 pm, Gooseberry Falls State Park (short hike on paved trail, meet outside visitor center)








Upcoming  . . .

September 15

Canoeing 101
1–3 pm, canoe provided, learn the basics and practice on Snelling Lake

Primitive Fire-Starting Skills
2 pm, Tettegouche State Park (at fireplace on patio)

September 16

Mushroom Hike
2–3:30, Tettegouche State Park (visitor center)

September 19

Hawk Weekend
Duluth: Hawk Ridge Observatory

Cookin in Nature: Fried Burdock
11–noon, Fort Snelling Park (pre-register 612-725,2724)

Ducks on the Mississippi
1–2:30, Fort Snelling State Park visitor center (pre-register 612-725-2724) presentation and then hike (binocs provided, or bring your own)

September 20

Jack’d Up! Gears and Beers Bike Tour (25, 50 miles)
7 am, Cold Spring, MN

Ride the Ridges
Winona, MN (register by noon Sept. 18)

Revolution Single-track Mtn. Bike
St. Cloud, MN


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