Gear up for fall with these fun activities in the Great Outdoors! Autumn begins on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, and ends on Sunday, December 21, 2014.
Friday, September 19
Cooking in the Park: Fried Burdock
11–noon, register 612-725-2724
Location: Fort Snelling State Park
Geocaching 101
6:30–7:30 pm, Intro. class and activity. GPS provided (or bring your own).
Location: Buffalo River State Park (meet at Nature Center)
Salmon of Lake Superior (Short) Hike
6:30 pm
Location: Temperance River State Park, meet at park office
Geological Presentation
Location: Temperance River State Park, meet at mouth of river (near picnic area)
Saturday, September 20
20th, Hike Round Pike (Island)
9–11 am, free
Hike 3.5 miles (not paved) with several stops around the island with a naturalist.
Location: Fort Snelling State Park
20th, Final Casual Family Bicycle Ride
9 am, casual ride with naturalist. Ice cream social to follow.
Location: Central Lakes State Trail, meet at Big Ole in Alexandria
20th Women’s Chainsaw Safety Class
9:30–4 pm, $30 (includes lunch) Register: or 651-328-0463
Location: REI, 750 W. American Blvd., Bloomington
20th, Women’s Archery
10am–2pm, free (must register: 888-646-6367 or 651-296-6157)
Half- day program includes intro. to archery, including equipment, skills, games, and a woodland archery course. Bring a lunch.
Location: Lake Bemidji State Park
20th, Whitewater Valley Archeology Festival
10–4 pm, events include:
10am–2pm Historic Marnach House Tours
10am–Noon Elba Fire Tower Talks
10am–4pm Self-guided Beaver Cemetery Walks (brochure available at the cemetery gates)
10am–Noon Kids Archeology Activity Pre-European People of the Region
Noon–1pm Presentation on the Civilian Conservation Corps at Whitewater
1:30–2:30pm CCC and POW Camp Walk
3–4pm Whitewater’s German P.O.W. Camp Presentation
20th, Getting Ready for Fall Hike
10–11 am
Location: Interstate State Park, meet at park office
20th, Fall Color Bike Ride
Location: Luce Line State Trail, meet at parking area off 10th Ave./Vicksburg Lane
20th, Crystal Springs Trout Hatchery Tour
Location: Whitewater State Park, meet at visitor center
20th, Leaf Biology
10–11:30 am, Learn why leaves change color in fall, and more!
Location: William O’Brien State Park
20th, Gooseberry Falls Hike
Location: Gooseberry Falls State Park, meet outside visitor center art column
20th, Fall Phenology Hike
1–2 pm, guided 1-mile hike
Location: St. Croix State Park
20th, Documentary Movie Viewing: “Dakota 38”
1–3pm, $5 ($3 seniors/children)
Location: Fort Ridgely State Park
20th, Aiton Heights Fire Tower Hike
2–4 pm, hike to Itasca’s fire tower, learn about the history of the area.
Location: Itasca State Park, meet in front of Douglas Lodge
20th, Firearm Safety Training
4 pm, Forest Lake (every Saturday Sept 20–Oct 4), must be 11+
Register by contacting Ben 612-730-3919
Location: Lakes Trading Co., 95 SW 8th Ave, Forest Lake, MN
20th, Hawks, Falcons and Eagles
4–5 pm, learn to i.d. raptors
Location: Wild River State Park, meet at visitor center
20th, Beauteous Bison
7–8 pm
Location: Buffalo River State Park
20th, Bats
7:30–8:30 Learn about bats
Location: William O’Brien State Park, meet at visitor center
Sunday, September 21
21st, Overlook Hike
10–noon, 2.5-mile hike and learn of geology and vegetation of area
Location: Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park
21st, Owl Info.
10–11 am
Location: Wild River State Park
21st, Mississippi River Boat Tour
10:30–12:30, must pre-register, limited seating: call 218-308-2300
Pontoon boat tour we will reveal historical highlights and i.d. migratory birds
Location: Lake Bemidji State Park
21st, Archery in the Park
noon–2 pm
Location: Itasca State Park, meet in back lot of Indian Mounds/North Picnic Grounds parking area
21st, Mounds of Mystery
noon–1:30, afternoon hike with naturalist
Location: Buffalo River State Park
21st, Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Hike
1–2 pm, join naturalist to explore the history of these men and their work
Location: Gooseberry Falls State Park
21st, Family Fishing
1–3 pm, $5 (fish license required for 16+)
Intro. info., including fish biology of the lake, equipment, bait, etc.; equipment provided.
Location: Lake Minnetonka Regional Park
21st Bike Gateway Trail Ride
1:30–3:30, free
12-mile ride with naturalist. Bring your own bicycle and helmet.
Location: Afton State Park
Upcoming . . .
Sept. 22, Firearm Safety Classes (must be 11+):
New Ulm 22–27 (M, W, F, Sa, 6pm). Register with Thomas 507-276-6607
Darfur (22–27, M–Sat. 6:30pm). Register with Mark 507-381-7-7094
Itasca (22–25 M–Th, 6pm). Register with Bill: 218-244-4005
Maple Lake (22–Oct. 4, 6:30pm). Register with Augie: 320-963-6449
Lac Qui Parle (Hunter Class Field Day for those who have completed the online course, 22–23, M–Tus, 5pm). Register with Josh 320-598-3445
Rush City (22–28, M-Th-F-Sa, 6pm). Register with Rich 651-647-4796
Sept 23, Firearm Safety Classes (must be 11+)
Pipestone (23–Oct 18, 6–8 pm). Register with Keith 507-215-0559
Zimmerman (25–Oct 23, 6:30pm). Register with Steven 763-553-2483
Hunting Seasons (See DNR website for complete info.):
08/15/14 – 09/30/14 |
Statewide |
09/01/14 – 11/03/14 |
Snipe and Rail Hunting season |
09/01/14 – 10/12/14 |
Bear season |
09/01/14 – 10/31/14 |
Crow Hunting (3rd season) |
09/01/14 – 11/09/14 |
Mourning Dove season |
09/06/14 – 09/22/14 |
Early Canada Goose season |
09/13/14 – 01/04/15 |
Ruffed and Spruce Grouse, Hungarian Partridge season |
09/13/14 – 12/31/14 |
Deer Hunt – Archery season |
09/13/14 – 11/30/14 |
Sharptailed Grouse season |
09/13/14 – 02/28/15 |
Small Game – Rabbits, Squirrels season |
09/20/14 – 11/03/14 |
Woodcock season |
09/20/14 – 09/21/14 |
Take-a-Kid Hunting weekend |
Sept. 26 (9–6pm)–27 (9–3pm), Native Perennial Plant Sale
Grown here from seed, perfect to plant yet this fall. Consider Rain Garden in a Box, native planting or other cost share programs in need of replacement plants or to expand their project.
Location: Southwest corner of County Road 42 and Dakotah Parkway, 2651 Sakpe Drive, Prior Lake
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