Weekend Nature Activities: Sept 4–7

Happy #LaborDayWeekend Minnesota … Enjoy these #MNnature activities! FREE unless otherwise mentioned!



Apple Orchards
Pick your own, events, bakeries and more. Find a place near you at Minnesota Grown.
Fall Hike
9 AM to 10:30 AM Course details: Join a park naturalist and learn how the floodplain forest transitions from a hot summer to a cold and bitter Minnesota winter on this Saturday morning hike. A park vehicle permit is required.
Fort Snelling State Park

Guided Walk
9 AM This two hour walk will take us through a Prairie Coteau landscape offering a chance to experience a diversity of prairie communities. Dry hill prairie dominates this site patterned by low areas that support ground water seepage meadows. Bring your cameras and field guides to identify and document some of the interesting species found at this site. Footwear appropriate for hiking is recommended. There are no maintained trails and the hike will be on uneven terrain with significant gopher holes. There are neither public restrooms nor access to drinking water on this site. This tour will be conducted rain or shine.
Mound Spring Prairie SNA

Plants: Edible, Medicinal, and Poisonous
9 AM to 11 AM Plants, plants everywhere but what are they good for? Come and learn about some common plant species found in Fort Snelling State Park and throughout Minnesota and what they can be used for. Learn ancient uses that were developed by Native Americans and plant species brought here by Europeans and their uses. Presentation followed by a nature hike.
Fort Snelling State Park

Women’s Nature Hike
9 AM to 10:30 AM Join a park naturalist and learn how the floodplain forest transitions from a hot summer to a cold and bitter Minnesota winter on this Saturday morning hike. A park vehicle permit is required.
Fort Snelling State Park

The Many Biomes of Kilen Woods
9 AM to 10:30 AM Every Saturday From July 18th to September 5th. Join Minnesota Master Naturalist volunteer Nancy Warren for a hike over the prairie, through the woods, and to the river! Along the way you will discover the 3 unique habitats that meet at Kilen Woods State Park and create an amazing diversity of wildlife and nature. Meet at the Chalet. Hike is an easy 2 miles over mostly flat trails with a few slopes.
Kilen Woods State Park

Mushrooms 101: More Than Morels
10 AM to 12 PM Volunteer naturalist, Jim Griffin will help us discover the good…the bad…and the ugly of the mushroom world.
Rice Lake State Park (Please meet at the picnic shelter.)

Fall Flowers Hike
10 AM to 11 AM As our days get shorter and the weather starts to cool we start to wind down, but some prairie flowers are still giving the season their best blooms or possibly starting to spread their seeds. Join the naturalist for a guided fall color walk around the pond view trail. Meet in the Visitor Center Theater. Come between 9 am and 10 am for morning refreshments and donuts.
Sibley State Park

I Can Fish!
10 AM to 12 PM Learn all about fishing. We provide the equipment, bait and instructor. No fishing license is needed for this activity if you are a Minnesota Resident. In case of thunderstorms this program will be cancelled.
Father Hennepin State Park (Meet at the Public Boat Access Parking Lot.)

Fossil Field Trip
10 AM to 12 PM On this trip you will find, and can keep, fossils of plants and animals that lived here hundreds of millions of years ago. They were on earth long before the dinosaurs! What can they tell us about this area’s past? Fossil cards, to display your collection, will be distributed. Bring transportation, as the site is nine miles from the park.
Whitewater State Park

Story Time
10 AM to 11 AM Come out to the park for a nature themed story time and activity. Each Saturday will have a new theme, so come enjoy them all! We will read a book and then do an activity to follow. Activities very each week from short nature hikes to crafts. This program is designed for pre-school to early elementary school students. Call the park for more information regarding exact details of this program or directions to the park.
Glacial Lakes State Park

Geocaching Challenge: Tiny Caches and Big Fun
10 AM to 11 AM Are you a geocacher itching for a new challenge? Have you tried geocaching a few times and are ready to take it to the next level? Join the naturalist as you use clues and geocaching skills to locate creatively camouflaged caches the size of a glue stick. GPS units and a refresher on their use will be provided.
Interstate State Park (Meet at the park office; campground entrance of the park).

Archery in the Parks
10 AM Feel the excitement of hitting a bull?s eye by participating in our Archery in the Parks program! Participants will get hands-on experience using bow and arrows in a safe, supportive, and fun atmosphere! Certified archery instructors will teach participants the basics skills of archery. Open to ages 8 and up. All equipment is provided. Program will start at 10am at the education center at the park office. No pre- registration is required.
Lac Qui Parle State Park

Lake Itasca Region Pioneer Farmers Tour
10 AM to 12 PM Tour begins at the Levorsen Building located on the Pioneer Farmer showgrounds.* The showground is located on the north side of Itasca State Park. Go out the North Entrance to Itasca State Park, entrance is on the east side of the North Entrance Road (across from the church and gas station). *Tour begins promptly at 10 a.m. Get a feel for the early 1900s community of Lake Itasca at the Lake Itasca Region Pioneer Farmers Showgrounds (LIRPF). See the Itasca Historic Sawmill. Explore various buildings from a country school, dove-tail one-room log house and a logging museum. LIRPF volunteers will guide you on this tour. www.itascapioneerfarmers.com
Itasca State Park

Monarch Tagging —Volunteer Opportunity
11 AM to 12:30 PM Grab a net and explore the fascinating lives of monarch butterflies with long-time butterfly gardener and educator Randy Korb. In coalition with the Monarch Watch program, we’ll be tagging Wild River State Park monarchs so that they can be tracked during their migration to Mexico. Limited nets available on a first-come basis, but feel free to bring your own. Registration not required. Milkweed plants and other wildflowers will be available for purchase for $5 to bring monarchs to your own backyard.
Wild River State Park

Make Your Own Walking Stick
1 PM to 2:30 PM Join us for a real hands-on activity making your own walking stick. We will transform buckthorn, an invasive species, into a practical tool you can take home with you. We’ll also learn how you can stop the spread of other invasive hitch-hikers when you’re hiking, fishing, and recreating at Whitewater State Park!
Whitewater State Park

Guided Walk
1 PM Join us for an opportunity to experience a rare mesic prairie that offers a glimpse of landscapes past. This fall prairie will showcase blazing star, and purple coneflower interspersed among the prairie cordgrass, Indian grass, and big bluestem. Bring your cameras and field guides to capture this special landscape. Footwear appropriate for hiking is recommended. There are no maintained trails and the hike will be on uneven terrain. There are neither public restrooms nor access to drinking water on this site. This tour will be conducted rain or shine.
Glynn Prairie SNA

Archery in the Park
1 PM to 4 PM Want to learn how to shoot a bow in a safe, supervised setting? The Archery in the Parks program is suitable for ages 8 and older. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Get hands on instruction from a certified instructor along with experience with target practice. Learn a lifelong skill with this program that you can use for years to come. (All equipment provided. Open shoot, come during the class and you will get to shoot. Amount of shooting time varies on group size.). Program will take place near the trail center. The program is held outside, so dress appropriately.
Bear Head Lake State Park

Surviving the Hunger Games: Tracking and Stalking Skills
1 PM to 3 PM Learn basic skills to find your “opponent,” track them, and sneak up on them. Skills are useful for hunters, photographers, and nature enthusiasts in general as well as for the characters from the Hunger Games. This activity takes place on the trail.
Fort Snelling State Park

Bumble Bee Watch Citizen Science Saturday —Volunteer Opportunity
1 PM to 2 PM Help scientists record where native bumble bees are being found! Camera available for borrow or bring your smart phone or camera. Together we’ll search for bumble bees then submit them online for identification. Help the bees!
Sibley State Park (Meet in the Interpretive Center theater.)

Plants and Pollinators Stroll
1 PM to 2 PM Join a naturalist for a leisurely guided stroll on a paved trail to discover what’s doing the blooming in the park. Come see some of the plants that call the park home, discover some unique qualities of these local plants, and find out which ones are most loved by monarchs, bees and other insects.
Gooseberry Falls State Park (Meet at the art column outside the visitor center.)

Archery in the Park
1 PM to 4 PM The sport of shooting arrows has been around for thousands of years. First humans used archery as a way to hunt animals and later as a way to compete against each other. Archery is an activity that people from all walks of life and almost every size and ability can participate and have fun. This program covers the basics of archery (safety, proper care of the equipment and how to use a bow). Participants will be able to practice their new skills on the range by taking a turn shooting arrows at targets. Some come learn a new life long skill.

All equipment is provided and no personal or outside equipment will be allowed on the range. Must be 8 years and older. Adult must accompany younger participants. Open shoot, come during the class and you will get to shoot. Amount of shooting time varies on number of participants. The program is held outside, so dress appropriately. Please meet at the Horse Campground. A MN state Park vehicle permit is required to attend this event, and can be purchased at the park for $5/day or $25 for an annual permit.

Glacial Lakes State Park

Paddle Primer
1 PM to 3:30 PM Join the naturalist on a 5 mile canoe/kayak trip down the St. Croix National Scenic River way and learn about physical and natural features of the river. Reserve your canoe/kayak from Pardun’s canoe rental attached to the camp store (Rental fees apply).
St. Croix State Park (Meet at the canoe rental store.)

Voyageur Canoe Tours Ogechie Lake: Ducks, Geese and Heritage
1 PM to 2:30, 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM PM Experience a ride in a 10-person canoe while learning about the ducks and geese that have been hunted on Mille Lacs area lakes for centuries. Participants must be at least 10 years old. Registration is required, and each tour is limited to the first 18 people. Sign up at the Interpretive Center or call 320-532-3269. Leave your name, phone number and number of people attending.
Mille Lacs Kathio State Park (Tours will launch from the dam at the west end of the picnic area.)

Archery in the Park
2 PM to 4 PM B your own action heroes! Why not go beyond video games?especially when kids love the challenge of archery? Aim for daring family adventure at an Archery in the Parks program. Designed especially for kids age age eight or above, no experience is necessary to participate. Hands-on instruction in shooting a bow and arrow from certified instructors.
Use of all equipment. Safe and supportive environment. Meet near the horshoe pits in the picnic area.
Moose Lake State Park

Amik’s Pond Hike
2 PM Hike this one mile loop and experience the woods and river along the route. Find out what an amik is and why it is important to the landscape of Wild River. Walk contains a short hill.
Wild River State Park

Minnesota’s Birds of Prey
2 PM to 3:30 PM Eagles, Osprey, Hawks, Falcons, and Owls all call Minnesota home. Learn about the adaptations that raptors use to catch their live prey, what species live along the North Shore, and how to tell them apart when all you can see is a silhouette against the sky. Make a raptor silhouette to protect migratory birds from hitting windows.
Tettegouche State Park (Located in the Visitor Center meeting room.)

Hike to Inspiration Point
3 PM to 5 PM Join a naturalist on an inspirational nature hike, literally, as we hike to Inspiration Point, the only overlook in the park where you cannot see any signs of civilization. You’re in store for some amazing views, historical clues, and some of nature’s beautiful hues on this relaxing hike. Meet at the Chimney Rock Trailhead near the beach.
Whitewater State Park

Music in the Park
3 PM to 5 PM Join us for an afternoon of traditional jazz by a local musican. Friends of the Red River SRA will be selling hotdogs and chips for a fee. There will also be games and activities for the kids. Seating will be available or feel free to bring your own lawn chair or blanket. There is no fee for this event. The event will take place in Sherlock Campground across from the playground.
Red River State Recreation Area

Geocaching 101
4 PM to 5 PM Join the naturalist for this high tech treasure hunt and learn the basics of this new worldwide recreational sport. GPS units are provided. There will be a chance to test out your GPS skill on a critter activity before going out to find the park geocache on your own. This program counts towards earning the Call of Wildflowers special edition program card. Limit of 20 people (must be 8 years of age and children must be accompanied by adult). Please sign up at the park office (prior reservation required). Meet at the Group Campground on the campground side.
Minneopa State Park

Geocaching 101
4 PM to 5 PM Discover the fun of Geocahing and use a GPS unit to find hidden treaures in Minnesota State Parks. You will recieve hands-on training in this program designed for beginners. Bring your own GPS unit or use one of ours. Meet at the visitor center. Recieve a 2015 Special Edition Card.
Afton State Park

Geocaching 101
4 PM to 5 PM Join us on this modern day treasure hunt as we search for caches with a GPS unit. After learning how to use a GPS unit and what geocaching is all about, you’ll explore the park with us for hidden caches. GPS units are available.
Jay Cooke State Park (Meet at the River Inn Interpretive Center.)

Summer Bat Count —Volunteer Opportunity
6 PM to 8 PM TLearn about Minnesota’s bat population and the dreaded White Nose Syndrome that threatens their world. Then go out and count the resident bat population. This amazing experience is educational, fun and helps the park understand changes to the local bat population for best management.
Whitewater State Park (meet at Visitor Center)

Geocaching 101 – High Tech Treasure Hunt
7 PM to 8:30 PM Meet at the picnic grounds council ring to discover the fascinating challenge of geocaching and how you can use it to explore Minnesota State Parks hidden treasures and how to answer the Call of the Wildflowers. You will receive hands-on training. A limited number of GPS units will be available.
Lake Shetek State Park

American Bison
7 PM to 8 PM As the largest mammal on the Great Plains, millions of bison once roamed all over North America and played an integral role in the livelihood of many American Indian tribes. The American bison is an animal built to live in harsh conditions and it will be shown through an activity called “Build a Bison.” We will also talk about the distribution of bison prior to the arrival of Europeans and the difference between bison and buffalo. Meet at the Group Campground on the campground side.
Minneopa State Park

DNR Days with the St. Paul Saints Baseball
7 PM DNR is teaming up with the St. Paul Saints Baseball to offer fans, who have a 2015 Minnesota hunting and/or fishing license, a special offer on tickets to select games which will include a fish basket with soda/water with the ticket purchase. Offer only available online. Learn more and purchase tickets at www.mndnr.gov/saints Due to extremely high demand, seating is limited and available on a first come, first served basis only. Advance purchase only. Phone orders cannot be accepted. Only orders purchased together will be seated together. Game time subject to change. No refunds or exchanges.

Game dates
Wed, September 2 Gary Southshore 7:05 pm $20.00 = Outfield Reserved Ticket + Fish Basket & Soda/Water
Sat, September 5 New Jersey Jacks 7:05 pm $20.00 = Outfield Reserved Ticket + Fish Basket & Soda/Water
Sat, September 12 Playoff Game 7:05 pm $20.00 = Outfield Reserved Ticket + Fish Basket & Soda/Water

CHS Field

7 PM to 8 PM What tool did humans use to navigate before GPS? They used… a compass! Join a naturalist for a beginner’s class on how to use a compass. Compasses provided!
Sibley State Park (Meet at the Interpretive Center Amphitheater.)

Help Wanted! In the 1800s
7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Martin Mower, owner of the Arcola Lumber Mill and Manager of the St. Croix Boom Company, will take applications for positions at the Arcola Mill and Boat Yards, Martin?s Dry Goods in Arcola, sales assistance at the Mower Block in Stillwater, construction workers at the Territorial Prison construction site, and River Rats at the St. Croix Boom site. Wages start at $1.00 per day. Mr. Mower will explain the operations of his numerous enterprises in the valley. All persons welcome – any age or gender considered. Apply in person, at the Visitor Center fire-ring, to Martin Mower.
William O’Brien State Park

A Battle of Tooth and Quill, Campfire
7:30 PM to 8 PM Gather around the campfire and learn about the fisher and porcupine. Bring your marshmallows for roasting after the campfire.
Itasca State Park (Meet in the picnic grounds at the Museum Amphitheater located below Wegmann’s Store Ruins; If raining, in the Jacob V. Brower Visitor Center).

The Night Sky
8 PM to 9 PM Explore the constellations and other amazing things found in the night sky. We will meet at the amphitheater for a short slideshow program introduction then head to our Angler’s Lot to view the sky. Limited binoculars will be available for use and members of the Winona State University Astronomy Club will be on site with telescopes to help show us the humbling and inspirational sights of big sky. Feel free to bring your own binoculars or telescopes for this stellar event.
Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park

Cats on the Prowl
8 PM to 9 PM Minnesota is home to three different wild cats which are easy to confuse. Join us to learn more about these elusive cats and tips on how to tell one from the other.
Jay Cooke State Park (Meet at the River Inn Interpretive Center.)

Evening Exploration Stroll
8 PM to 9 PM Explore your senses during an easy, evening stroll through the picnic area. We will listen like an owl, smell like a wolf, and taste lightening bug candy! Meet at the stone shelter in the picnic area.
Interstate State Park

Saturn and the Summer Constellations
8:30 PM to 10 PM Members of the Steele County Astronomical Society will be here to show us some amazing things that can be found in the night sky. You will learn about the stars and planets that hover above us, and see where the constellations have moved during their summer trek across the sky.Please meet at the boat ramp parking lot. Vehicle permits are required on all vehicles and may be purchased at the park office.
Rice Lake State Park

Night Hike
9 PM to 10 PM Night presents a whole new world to most of us. Very few of us spend extended periods of time in the dark and some people may even become fearful of the night. As humans we are constantly trying to reduce the fun of being outside after dark. On the other hand, animals adapt their lives and themselves to the conditions of both day and night. On this hike we will learn how to use our five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell) in the dark without using any artificial light. Please meet at the parking lot on the gravel road about halfway to Seppmann Windmill on the north side.
Minneopa State Park

—————09/06/2015 ————

Annual All Camp Pancake Breakfast
8 AM The Friends of Lake Bemidji State Park are sponsoring the Annual Fall All Camp Pancake Breakfast at the Historic Dining Hall. A free will donation for the all you can eat pancakes raises funds in support local park projects. Serving begins at 8 a.m. and continues to 10 a.m. Menu includes juice, coffee, milk, pancakes and pork sausage links. Early rises will be offered pure maple syrup freshly made this spring.
Lake Bemidji State Park

Fishing 101
9 AM to 12 PM Do you want to participate in one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities, but you are not sure how to bait a hook or cast your line? Join our fishing gurus and learn the basics of fishing. Feel free to stop by anytime during the program. All ages welcome. A limited number of fishing poles are available. Meet at the fishing pier. There is no cost for this program. It does take place outdoors, so dress for the weather.
Bear Head Lake State Park

Trout Fishing
10 AM to 12 PM Join us at the South Picnic Area for some fishing fun! Equipment will be provided at this activity designed to introduce trout fishing to inexperienced anglers, families and youth groups. Youngsters must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own bait; worms often work best. Fishing licenses and trout stamps are not required when fishing during the activity.
Whitewater State Park

Bird Banding Demonstration
12:30 PM to 2 PM Join Master Bird Bander, Greg Munson, for close-up experiences with birds. Program participants will have the opportunity to handle and release birds after they have been caught in nets, studied, observed and banded with an aluminum tag. Find out how this scientific tool helps wildlife researchers learn more about bird populations and their natural history, including where they go and how long they live.
Whitewater State Park

Thomson Cemetery Hike
1 PM to 2:30 PM Join us on a hike out to the Thomson Cemetery and discover the history behind the first settlers who called this area home.
Jay Cooke State Park (Meet at the River Inn Interpretive Center)

Mushroom Appreciation Hike

1 PM to 3 PM Fall is a prime time to go on a mushroom hike and mushrooms come in so many different shapes and sizes! We’ll investigate what’s growing in the park on a short hike and we’ll talk about how mushrooms grow and their role in the forest.
Tettegouche State Park (Meet by the indoor fireplace in the Visitor Center.)

Tag a Monarch —Volunteer Opportunity
3 PM to 4 PM Learn about our amazing native butterflies. After a power point presentation, we will take a short hike to catch, tag and release monarch butterflies. You will be part of on-going research to study the migration of these incredible insects. If you have a butterfly net of your own, bring it along.
Whitewater State Park

Historic Fish Hatchery Tour
3 PM to 4 PM Join us as we learn about the Red Lake walleye fishery and the role of this historic hatchery built in 1941 by WPA. The Waskish hatchery capacity was one of the largest in the state. Located at the mouth of the Tamarac River, the hatchery operated from 1942-1975 supplying eggs for other areas of the state, with a portion of the eggs being returned as fry to Red Lake.
Big Bog State Park (Meet at the Visitor Center prepared to walk or drive to the hatchery building.)

Nature Hike
4 PM to 5 PM Go for a nature hike through the woods of Fort Ridgely State Park to learn about some the unique natural and historical characteristics of the area. Along the way we will stop to talk about some of the plants, wildlife, trees and geology of this area. A hike is a great way to experience the natural world around us. The total distance is around 2 miles and it will take us around an hour and half. Be prepared for some steep and rough terrain. Please meet at the Campground Picnic Shelter.
Fort Ridgely State Park

Retro Reel
5 PM to 6 PM Watch old reel-to-reel nature films in the St. Croix Lodge.
St. Croix State Park

Itasca’s Music Under the Pines: Lori Goulet Reich
7 PM to 9 PM Join Lori Goulet Reich, a Lake Itasca Transplant from the suburbs of Minneapolis, as she performs a variety of music best described as acoustic folk and alt-country flavored music. Lori also has played in various bands both classic rock and country, so come enjoy a variety of well-known tunes.
Itasca State Park (Meet at Forest Inn; across from Douglas Lodge)

Live Peregrine Falcon
7 PM to 8 PM The peregrine falcon has long fascinated people across the globe, known for its dramatic migration and amazing flight. Where 40 years ago there were none, today over two hundred nesting pairs of falcons make their home in the Midwestern U.S.. Although the species has recovered beyond pre-DDT population numbers, there is still a lot of work to be done to gain a better understanding of peregrine falcons. Jackie Fallon, with the Midwest Peregrine Society, will present this program, with a live peregrine falcon, to help us understand the past, present and future of peregrine falcons in Whitewater and the Midwest. This program is made possible with funding from the Winona Audubon Club and the Friends of Whitewater State Park.
Whitewater State Park

Zumbro Hill Pioneer Cemetery Lantern Hike
8 PM to 10 PM Join us as we gather for an interesting evening exploring the final resting place of some of Minnesota’s first residents. These are the people that traveled west in a wagon and became among Minnesota’s first citizens on May 11, 1858! Hear the stories of their lives and times. Hear the customs, norms and traditions of the 19th Century mourning and burial. Meet at the Picnic Shelter where we will begin our hike to the light of candle powered lanterns. This is a 3 mile round trip hike, and part of which takes place after dark, so come prepared and please wear proper footwear. Lanterns are provided.
Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park

———Upcoming . . .
9/9 Fitness Walking Wednesday
10 AM to 12 PM Looking for a walking partner to hit the trails with? Join the naturalist for a brisk paced walk as we explore the park on different trails each 2nd Wednesday of the month. We’ll stop and take a closer look at what we find from bees and birds to geology and grasshoppers! Each week we’ll work together to set a walking pace that fits everyone in the group. Good hiking shoes, water bottle and Identification Books are recommended. Remember to plan for tick presentation as well! Pack a lunch to enjoy at the park afterwards.
Sibley State Park

9/9 Lake Superior Yoga
8 AM to 9 AM This free yoga class consists of gentle postures and slow movements to help the body get back in balance. Emphasis is on breath, body alignment, and voluntarily moving shortening and lengthen muscles to get out of habits that no longer serve our bodies. A mat, blanket, and water bottle is recommended. Kim Josephson is a RYT500 and Certified Yoga Therapist from the International Yoga Institute Yoga North. She owns and operates the Yoga2go Studio and leads classes all around the area. The yoga sessions will meet on the plaza behind the Visitor Center or in the Tettegouche Meeting Room if the weather is not nice.
Tettegouche State Park

9/11–13 Women’s Fall Workshop $$$
Course details: We are returning to where the first BOW workshop was held! This year’s classes include open water fishing, zip line, horseback riding, ecology of the forest and more! Limited to 80 participants. Course dates and times: September 11-13, 2015 Cost: $395 for deluxe cabin or $250 for canoer cabin. Registration: Registration form will be up on the website closer to the event. For more information you can reach the Gunflint Lodge at 1-800-328-3325 or www.gunflint.com
Gunflint Lodge, Grand Marais

9/12 Women’s Archery $$$
10 AM to 12 PM Course details: Learn the basics of shooting safely and accurately with skilled instructors. Use a Matthews Genesis compound bow to shoot at stationary targets and try shooting from an elevated platform. All equipment is provided. Ages 14 *20% discount for groups of four or more. Course dates and times: September 12, 2015, 10a.m.-12p.m. Cost: $7/class Registration: For questions or to register call Three Rivers Park District at 763-559-6700 or www.ThreeRiversParks.org
Carver Park Reserve, Victoria

9/12 Prairie Hike
10 AM to 12 PM Master Naturalists will guide visitors through prairie remnants that remain on the edge of the Big Woods. Walk through stands of Big Bluestem and Indian Grass that once covered millions of acres across the Midwest. Learn about bobolinks, butterflies and badgers that call this landscape home. Some seed collecting if conditions allow. Wear hiking shoes and long pants.
Nerstrand-Big Woods State Park

09/05/15 – 09/22/15 Early Canada Goose season
09/12/15 Youth Waterfowl Day More Info + Youth Hunting Info and Regulations More Info

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