From Howling for Wolves:
Hello Everyone,
Yesterday, the Minnesota State Senate passed the Game and Fish Bill off the floor and into conference. While we were able to get a showing of support on the floor through Senators Hann, Dibble, Bonoff and Eaton, our move to get a 5 year moratorium was struck down 26 to 40 votes.
While the rejection of this amendment is a blow, we still have an opportunity to make things right. Because of the way the bill is structured, it’s still possible for the Wolf Hunt to be removed via a line-item veto by Governor Mark Dayton. This means that we can prevent a wolf hunt and still allow the rest of the Game and Fish Bill to be passed.
We’re asking all Minnesota state residents to send a personal email or a personal phone call to Governor Dayton’s office to request that the Wolf Hunt be removed from the bill before being signed into law. We’ve also set a tentative meeting with the Governor’s office for Wednesday afternoon where we’ll present our arguments. The more voices we have supporting us, the better our case will be.
Once again, we encourage all Minnesota state residents to reach out to the governor’s office personally, and ask all of our out-of-state and international supporters to encourage their friends in Minnesota to do the same. We’ve included all of the relevant contact information below and hope to make a difference this Wednesday.
Thank you for taking action,
Howling for Wolves
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The Office of Governor Mark Dayton
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Telephone: 651-201-3400
Toll-Free: 800-657-3717
Minnesota Relay: 800-627-3529
Fax: 651-797-1850
Twitter: @GovMarkDayton
Please visit
Sign a petition HERE
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